PJ Library invites your family to join us to decorate tzedekah boxes. "What’s a tzedakah box," you ask. “A tzedakah box, is a receptacle for collecting money that is designated for charity. The Hebrew word tzedakah comes from the root tzedek, meaning justice. Giving money and resources to those in need is understood to be an act of justice. Many families decorate boxes or cans, and make a habit of putting loose change in it. When they are full the money is taken out and given to a person or organization in need.” Please join us for this fun and meaningful project! This will be a super simple craft so even younger kids can participate with help from a grown-up. All are welcome. Tickets are $5 per child.
This event is hosted by your local PJ Library Parent Connectors, Allison Logie and Dana Schurz. If you have any questions please contact Allison Logie at [email protected]